CONSTRUCTION STUDIES | Higher Level | Full Time

Construction Studies is a “hands-on” subject, which involves working with tools and machinery on materials like wood, metals and plastic. It is the study of buildings and the built environment.

Examination of the subject has three components; a practical exam, (allocated 25% of the overall marks), a student project (allocated 25% of the overall marks) and a theory-based examination sat in June, as part of the main timetabled Leaving Certificate examinations. The final examination investigates topics such as heat and thermal effects, illumination and substructure/superstructure.

This is an excellent subject for a practically-minded student who has a keen interest in buildings. The theory is not complex and relates to examples taken from everyday life. Having studied Woodwork at Junior Certificate level is an advantage but is not necessary. This is a very achievable course to cover in one year.

Construction Studies is also a popular choice for students as an extra subject.

Complementary Subjects: Art, Design and Communication Graphics, Home Economics (as there is a Home Design elective).